Now that tax season is OFFICIALLY over, I decided to do something fun this weekend. On Saturday, I took a few hours to work on my ham radio skills by participating in the Parks on the Air program. This ham radio program/event encourages radio operators to go to national parks to set up their radios and make contacts. Quarterly, the POTA organizers create an event to get people activated. I decided I would see how many parks I could contact in three hours. To add more fun, I decided to go to my downtown Salt Lake City office and use their radios. It was AWESOME! It took me a little time and effort to figure out all the buttons on the radios, but once that was figured out, I could make 20 contacts. Now, 20 may not sound like a lot, but I’ve been a ham radio operator for about 18 years, and I only recently got my 1,000 contacts. So 20 in one day is fantastic. It was so much fun, and I got some much-needed relaxation.
Lorenz Claussen
I’ll put something cool here soon.